Sustainability Solutions

Sustainability Solutions

There are many ways to get more sustainable. I aim to get sustainability to the top of the agenda in companies by handing out solutions that will benefit People, Planet and Profit!

Sustainable Sourcing

Managing a sustainable supply chain can be a huge effort and development of mid and long term strategies is therefor needed. How to do this best is a tailor-made process we can develop.

Co2 Reduction Projects

Measuring your emissions and making reduction plans will create awareness, and with small steps, you will move towards your goals. We can help you with this.

Upcycling Waste

The known philosophy, like “waste doesn’t exist”, is often a fact. Your waste can be a source for other markets, industries or even your own business.

Waste Management

No waste is the best sustainable solution you can have! With the knowledge we have we can create a plan for reducing your waste.

ESG reporting & Strategy

Sustainability needs a strategy, a long-term plan and integration into the company’s genes. Are you struggling with where to start with your strategy and reporting according to the CSRD, we can help you in this transition.
Please also discover our CSRD Quick Scan on:


We can help to increase your network. Collaborations and partnerships can help you gain win-win situations and drive the sustainability agenda forward.